Thursday, June 16, 2011


If it were for all those who really say that..
I am so delighted i so glad??
Living in a world that talks of you give and I'll take..
You'll be working hard and someone else takes away that piece of cake..
Friends and Foes they all stay here around you..
But what about people whom you need to stick around like glue..
The world talks of sacrifice but you do it alone..
trying to spoil everything what belongs to you-your own..

Love thy lost it can never come back,
and what about days when you lose track..
For years to come there is no guiding light..
HOPE-- it stays but there is no one to guide..
Going around looking for a shoulder..
You don't find anything but just pebbles and boulders..
It is a walk alone so help yourself..
Live in a world in which you can dwell..

Come out of the darkness and see the sun shining high.
You haven't been able to leave but why not try..
Its the warm rays that can melt your heart,'
How about if you give efforts to make a new start??
Keep trying on singing a song..
Its a new horizon for you don't give up..
Even if you haven't won accolades ,you still win this cup,,
of developing a resistance against the poison you loved..
and getting away from it is like flying high with the doves..

The sky is all yours so spread out..
and glide and be amidst those clouds..
REALITY how bizarre and full of struggle..'
but its more of a gratitude when for everything you juggle..
Its hard earned and the pleasure soars high..
wipe off those tears and don't you cry..
Enter the world with dreams that are real..
and its more of a satisfaction now-the way you FEEL..